A 80 year old male presented by dengue 1 week back and decrease in plateletcount .

 This is online e log book to discuss our patient's de- identified health data shared after taking his guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

Bunni Sadhguna 

Roll no.  25

A 80 year old male, farmer by occupation, resident  of chittyal came with chief complaints of high fever since 1 week ,breathlessness since 1 day, cough since 5 days. Decreased platelet count.

History of present illnesses 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 days back and developed fever which is high grade ,intermittent type,associated with chills and relives by medication. 

Patient went to local hospital and was diagnosed dengue positive and got admitted for 5 days .

cough since 5 days,wet cough, whitish sputum. 

Breathlessness since 1 day,insidious onset gradually progressive from grade II to grade III.

History of past illness 

Not associated complaint of chest pain,excess sweating and no surgical history. 


No diabetes 

Hypertension since 1 year 

No asthma 

No tuberculosis 

No Epilepsy 

No blood transfusions 

Personal history 

He is married, farmer by occupation, normal appetite, Non vegetarian, bowels and micturition is normal with no allergies, chronic smoker and alcoholic. 

Family history

Not affected by any disease .

Vital examination 


Pulse rate: 94bpm

Respiration rate: 16/min


General examination 

Pallor and icterus present, no Cyanosis, Clubbing of fingers present and no pedal edema, ascites.

Systemic examination 

Normal CNS,palpable liver and spleen,

cardiovascular system s1 and s2 +

RS : BAE +

Abdominal: soft,bowel sounds are normal. No distension and no tenderness. 

Skin : very dry

Neurological: alert, awake ,able to protect his airway. Moving all extremities. Deaf and no other sensation loss.

Clinical findings 

Impression of renal cortical cysts 

Multiple cysts found in both the kidneys.


What is the anatomical location of patient's problem?

Lining of bronchial tubes and both his kidneys. 


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